Ahlan Wasahlan

Thursday, 25 August 2011


Deforestation is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest use. They want to managed modern country, but they forgotten that the balanced of earth was unbalanced and can give many effect o global. It becaused of our earth only ¼ quarters are land and ¾ quarters balanced were sea or water component. Then plusly, we were related each other, Human being or other living thing needs the oxygen that producted from a tree and tree needs the carbon dioxide produced by human. If the quantities are not balanced all will affected.

The effect of deforestation are :

1.    Global Warming.
Global Warning is causes from  the earth heats up (the temperature rises).  It happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, which increases the temperature. Global warming is affecting many parts of the world.  Global warming makes the sea rise, and when the sea rises, the water covers many low land islands.  This is a big problem for many of the plants, animals, and people on islands.  The water covers the plants and causes some of them to die.  When they die, the animals lose a source of food, along with their habitat.  Although animals have a better ability to adapt to what happens than plants do, they may die also.  When the plants and animals die, people lose two sources of food, plant food and animal food.  They may also lose their homes.  As a result, they would also have to leave the area or die.  This would be called a break in the food chain, or a chain reaction, one thing happening that leads to another and so on.
Global warming is doing many things to people as well as animals and plants.  It is killing algae, but it is also destroying many huge forests.  The pollution that causes global warming is linked to acid rain.  Acid rain gradually destroys almost everything it touches.  Global warming is also causing many more fires that wipe out whole forests. This happens because global warming can make the earth very hot. In forests, some plants and trees leaves can be so dry that they catch on fire. 

2.    Green House effect
greenhouse effect is when the temperature rises because the sun’s heat and light is trapped in the earth’s atmosphere.  This is like when heat is trapped in a car. On a very hot day, the car gets hotter when it is out in the parking lot.  This is because the heat and light from the sun can get into the car, by going through the windows, but it can’t get back out.  This is what the greenhouse effect does to the earth.  The heat and light can get through the atmosphere, but it can’t get out. As a result, the temperature, rises.

So, as a responsible community, we should released that we should protect our earth from destroyed of our hand, and for sake of our next generation to see beautiful of earth.. and most importantly, we must gratefull of the beautiful world and life without paid that Allah gives us just for temperory. So we must gratefull it..Alhamdulillah. Wallahu a’lam.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

My Favourite Malaysian Cuisine Food- Curry Puff

Recipe: Curry Puff

5 tablespoons oil
1 medium red onion (finely chopped)
1/2 teaspoon kurma powder or chicken curry powder
2 teaspoons meat or chicken curry powder
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
1/2 cup of finely diced chicken breast meat
2 large potatoes (boiled and finely diced)
1 1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 lb plain flour
5 oz margarine or shortening
3/4 cup water
1/2 teaspoon of salt
Make the filling first. Heat oil and fry onion gently until golden brown. Add the kurma powder, curry powder, chili, turmeric and fry gently. Add the chicken, potatoes, sugar, pepper, salt and cook for 5 minutes. Mix well and leave aside to cool.
To make pastry, mix flour with margarine, water, salt, and knead well. Let it rest for 1/2 hour. Cut the dough into circles (3 in) in diameter. Fold pastry over to make a half circle and crimp at edges. Deep fry in hot oil until golden.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Frogs...either it warm blooded or cold blooded...??

Frogs are amphibians, Most frogs are characterized by a short body, webbed digits (fingers or toes), protruding eyes and the absence of a tail. Frogs are widely known as exceptional jumpers, and many of the anatomical characteristics of frogs, particularly their long, powerful legs, are adaptations to improve jumping performance. Due to their permeable skin, frogs are often semi-aquatic or inhabit humid areas, but move easily on land. They typically lay their eggs in puddles, ponds or lakes, and their larvae, called tadpoles, have gills and develop in water. Adult frogs follow a carnivorous diet, mostly of arthropods, annelids and gastropods. Frogs are most noticeable by their call, which can be widely heard during the night or day, mainly in their mating season.

 Its was cold blooded animals, becaused only mammals , birds was warm blooded including a whales. The factors of it was Warm-blooded creatures, like mammals and birds, try to keep the inside of their bodies at a constant temperature. They do this by generating their own heat when they are in a cooler environment, and by cooling themselves when they are in a hotter environment. To generate heat, warm-blooded animals convert the food that they eat into energy. They have to eat a lot of food, compared with cold-blooded animals, to maintain a constant body temperature. Only a small amount of the food that a warm-blooded animal eats is converted into body mass. The rest is used to fuel a constant body temperature. Cold-blooded creatures take on the temperature of their surroundings. They are hot when their environment is hot and cold when their environment is cold. In hot environments, cold-blooded animals can have blood that is much warmer than warm-blooded animals. Cold-blooded animals are much more active in warm environments and are very sluggish in cold environments. This is because their muscle activity depends on chemical reactions which run quickly when it is hot and slowly when it is cold. A cold-blooded animal can convert much more of its food into body mass compared with a warm-blooded animal.
So that why frogs was catogeries as cold-blooded creatures. All thing that happened was stated by Allah s.w.t. Only Allah s.w.t knows everything about it..Wallahu a’lam.

References :
  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warm_blooded
  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frog

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Blogging to stimulate Enviromental Awareness among Student and Community

In the world, many people are using the computer to connected the internet to searching the info. Many websites that can explored including blog. Nowaday, many people having this including the youth and all community around the world. As we can see the blog was created for sharing an information and also additional topics about themselves to sharing it with the community. Many topics can discussing about, most importantly about environmental awareness. It was very important issues especially to us as a student to knew it, it can updated our knowledge about what happened to the people around us and other country, it becaused we as a leader in a future. The communities also should beware about it. As we are also community. All people should released that blogging are also one way to lead stimulated about environmental awareness.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Sayap kiri-Nahnu Qadimul Haq

Mujahidah dari Bumi Jihad

Aku Wanita Mujahidah Sejati…
Yang tercipta dari tulang rusuk lelaki yang berjihad..
Bilakah kan datang seorang peminang menghampiriku mengajak tuk berjihad..
Kelak ku akan pergi mendampinginya di bumi Jihad..
Aku selalu siap dengan semua syarat yang diajukannya..
cinta Allah, Rasul dan Jihad Fisabilillah
Aku rela berkelana mengembara dengannya lindungi Dienullah
Ikhlas menyebarkan dakwah ke penjuru bumi Allah

Tak mungkin ku pilih dirimu.. .bila dunia lebih kau damba…
Terlupa kampung halaman, sanak saudara bahkan harta yang terpendam..
Hidup terasing apa adanya.. asalkan di akhirat bahagia…
Bila aku setuju dan kaupun tidak meragukanku…
Bulat tekadku untuk menemanimu…

Aku Wanita mujahidah pilihan…
Yang mengalir di nadiku darah lelaki yang berjihad…
Bilakah khan datang menghampiriku seorang peminang yang penuh ketawadhu`an…
Kelak bersamanya kuarungi bahtera lautan jihad…
Andai tak siap bisa kau pilih…
Agar kelak batin, jiwa dan ragamu tak terusik,
terbebani dengan segala kemanjaanku, kegundahanku, kegelisahanku…
terlebih keluh kesahku…

Tak mungkin aku memilihmu…
bila yang fana lebih kau cinta…
Lupa akan kemilau dunia dan remangnya lampu kota…
lezatnya makanan dan lajunya makar durjana…
Sebab meninggalkan dakwah karena lebih mencintaimu…
dan menanggalkan pakaian taqwaku karena laranganmu…

Meniti jalan panjang di medan jihad…
Yang ada hanya darah dan airmata tertumpah…
serta debu yang beterbangan,
keringat luka dan kesyahidan pun terulang…
Jika masih ada ragu tertancap dihatimu…
Teguhkan `azzam`ku tuk lupa akan dirimu…

Aku wanita dari bumi Jihad…
Dengan sekeranjang semangat berangkat ke padang jihad…
Persiapkan bekal diri menanti pendamping hati, pelepas lelah serta kejenuhan…
tepiskan semua mimpi yang tak berarti…
Adakah yang siap mendamaikan Hati ??
Karena tak mungkin kulanjutkan perjalanan ini sendiri…
tanpa peneguh langkah kaki.. pendamping perjuangan…
Yang melepasku dengan selaksa do`a…
Meraih syahid… tujuan utama…
Robbi… terdengar panggilan-Mu untuk meniti jalan redha-Mu…

Ku harapkan penolong dari hamba-Mu… menemani perjalanan ini…

by Marwan Hadid

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Hijjaz-Belaian Ibu

Tertanam naluri keibuan amat mendalam
Di jiwa insan yang mendambakan kebahagiaan

Oh ibu
Di bahumu tergalas beban
Perjalananmu penuh rintangan
Kau titipkan kasih sayang
Sejujur pengorbanan
Tak ku nafikan

Di saat kita berjauhan
Rasa ingin ku berlari
Mendakapimu penuh girang
Bak si kecil kehilangan

Kau insan penyayang
Betapa ku merindu
Lembutnya belaian ibu
Membuatku terlena

Di wajah terlukis tenang
Debar di dada kau rahsiakan
Ku pastikan dikau aman
Dikurnia sejahtera
Tak ku lupakan

Di saat kita berjauhan
Rasa ingin ku berlari
Mendakapimu penuh girang
Bak si kecil kehilangan

Tiada aku tanpa ibu
Hanya (kau) satu didunia
Bertakhta dikau dijiwaku
Kau lah ibu yang tercinta

Kau insan pengasih
Betapa aku mengharap
Hadirnya restumu ibu
Membawaku ke syurga

Bersemi belaian kasih sayang nan berpanjangan
Darimu insan yang mendoakan kebahagiaan anak-anakmu
Oh Ibu

Saturday, 11 June 2011

My Favourite Foods-Laksa Asam

This was my favourite food Asam Laksa, since in childhood, I cooked together with my mother, but now on she busy with her work only a weekend. Since I am staying at college I really miss it. From the video that I have downloaded from youtube. That was shows how to making laksa. I hope you are really enjoyed it.It looks was really delicious. Alhamdulillah.

Laksa Asam

Friday, 10 June 2011

Hayatilah-Satu Amanah (Hijjaz)

Dengan Bismillah ku bermula
Bingkisan hati buatmu teman
Yang dikasihi
Kita bersama dalam satu ikatan
Bermula episod hidup di dunia ini

Ku harap hanyalah di dunia
Dirahmati dan diredhai
Selamat sejahtera di Syurgawi

Oh Tuhan satukanlah
Hati kami dalam mencintai
Redha atas ujian diberi
Jauhkanlah kami
Dari rakus mengejar duniawi
Hidup mati biarlah untuk-Mu
Harap dunia hanya di tangan
Bukannya di hati ‘tuk dicintai

Kita dicipta sebagai khalifah
Bersama kita hidup untuk-Nya
Kita dicipta di dunia fana
Ada amanah yang tersedia

“Oh Tuhan..
Kita laksana bersama
Amanah dariNya demi
Memburu cinta dan harapan”

Tuhan itu harus diutama
Dari segala kepentingan dunia
Bergandingan kita untuk
Memburu cinta-Nya
Oh cinta-Nya

“Tuhan .. Kau satukanlah hati-hati
Memohon kasih-Mu oh Tuhan
Dalam mengharap redha

“Hanya di dunia
Kita harapkan, kita dambakan
Selamat sejahtera, bahagia..”

Tongue Twister

  1. She sells the sea shells on the sea shore and the sea shells she sells are sea shells.
  2. Can a can can a can as a canner can can a can?
  3. I wish the wish you wish to wish the wish in the which the witch wishes the wish you wish.
  4. Six sick hick nick sick slick bricks with picks and sticks.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

My Comments about a song-Let me go home by Michael Buble

Firstly, when I am hearing this songs. I started thinking the genre of this songs was ballade. This songs was deeply meaning for him. He want telling us that he really want to back home to meet his family and someone who he love really much. He missed his old life. from the lyrics I could know that he apart of his family for a long times. He travelling and many people around, maybe he trapted by his duty, maybe as a soldier, or his kind of busy of his life. Sometimes he posting letters but he knows that it would not enough. So he desides that he want back homes.

If I in his shoes, I really want back home meet my lovely family, really miss them and want back home, but as a student we must strong becaused many ways that we would faces whether now or in future. Alhamdulillah I am nearer with my family and no on having technology to connecting us, likes a mobile fon, an e-mails and so on, but still back to home whwn really misses to each other. Alhamdulillah..thank 
you ALLAH.

A Happy Family

Sunday, 5 June 2011

My Favourite Films-(Ketika Cinta Bertasbih)

My favourite film was Ketika Cinta Bertasbih, it’s was Indonesians films, I am was enjoyed becaused it having religious value. It was adapted from a novel like film Ayat-Ayat Cinta, it was same author. He was Habiburrahman Al-Shirazy. The novel was top on Indonesia and Malaysia, plus after was being filmed. In my view when watch the film, this film was suitable for everyone. Mostly of actress wearing a hijab especially their heroins. This films shows us a brother sacrifiece, to him sibling, love and many values that can we takes.

It about an Indonesian student Khairul Azam, who studied in  Al-Azhar University at Cairo,Eygpt. He was struggled to managed his study well plus sellings ‘tempe’ at there and another jobs to support his studies and family. Then he want to get married but he does have permenant jobs &financial. And lastly..Alhamdulillah happening ending although having difficulties in  the way. 







